Humanity was extremely lucky that the 9P/Tempel 1 comet
was not blasted in trillions of pieces.
NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft's
collision with
the 9P/Tempel 1
confirms that
comets are natural sources of antimatter.
Dr. Michael A'Hearn, University of Maryland,
NASA Deep Impact Principal Investigator, plans to bring humanity to the
brink of extension. In the Worse-Case Scenario, billions of people will
parish. He knows comet are composed of antimatter but has lied to NASA by
telling them that comets are composed of dirty-ice. In 2002,
comets were discovered to be natural source of antimatter. He is
directing NASA's Plans to slam a 370 kilogram spacecraft into the antimatter
9P/Tempel 1 comet on July 4, 2005. The explosion will be equivalent to
17,000 megatons of TNT or enough energy to supply the entire World for one
According to the Discover Channel, "All the
brightest and booming-est pyrotechnic shows on Earth combined couldn't
for a nanosecond distract Mike A'Hearn form watching the Fourth of July
ice works event that he's planning for the year 2005.
"On that day, while the rest of America oohs
and aahs over rocket's red glare, the University of Maryland astronomer
and professor will watch a come traveling at 28,000 mph smash into a an
manned NASA spacecraft that's been hurtling toward its target for six
months. The explosion should be spectacular."
The explosion will be
equivalent to 17,000 megatons of TNT |
NASA's SOHO website,
shows movies of antimatter sungrazer comets colliding with the Sun and
producing enormous solar explosions. The National Geographic
magazine, July 2004 issue, discusses the solar burst that are equivalent to
billions of megatons of TNT. When Earth passes through these enormous solar
storms, communication satellites have been damaged and electrical power on
Earth Disrupted. According to The New York Times June 21, 2003, article by
Dennis Overbye, "antimatter comets are colliding with the stars throughout
the Universe and are the source of gamma-ray bursts that scientists have
been studying for over 40 years.
NASA has violated the United States Environmental, Health and Safety laws
by not performing a worse-case safety analysis. When the worse-case
analysis was provided to them, Dr. Michael A'Hearn and NASA rejected the
analysis because NASA would have had to cancel the launch. On January 12,
2005, NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft was launch aboard a Boeing Delta II
rocket from Cape Canaveral.
On July 4, 2005, NASA plans to slam their
Deep Impact 370 kilogram Impactor spacecraft into 9P/Tempel 1 comet.
The 17,000-Megaton of TNT explosion could shatter the 140 billion metric
ton comet into trillions of pieces. The United States will have violated
the nuclear
Test Ban Treaty of 1963 that prohibits nuclear weapons
tests "or any other nuclear explosion" in the atmosphere, in outer space,
and under water.
The general public will learn that comet are natural sources of
antimatter; but the damage will have been done. Starting in January 2002,
antimatter meteors could be colliding with Mars and producing hundreds of
multi-megaton explosions. Advancing the clock on to January 2022, you will
see the obits of Mars and the antimatter 9P/Tempel 1 comet intersecting
each other.
The bad news is that the gravitational forces will be pull the trillions
of antimatter fragments toward the Sun and a similar fate awaits people
on Earth.
Homeland Security, Central Intelligence Agency, and Federal Bureau of
Investigation were requested to stop NASA from launching the Deep Impact
spacecraft; but Dr. Michael A'Hearn and NASA have prevailed. Today,
humanity's fate rests with the politicians, business, general public and
news media.