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Carbon Tax



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Cap-and-Trade System
or Carbon Tax

The proposed Cap-and-Trade or Carbon Tax is make Carbon Dioxide a marketable commodity. The financial investors have spent billions of dollars developing the Cap-and-Trade system. They have contributed millions of dollars to hundreds of political campaigns. Theirs lawyers have obtained a United States Supreme Court�s ruling requiring the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to regulate carbon dioxide emissions. Non-for-profit organizations are misrepresenting the facts to the public. And, their lobbyists have drafted legislation that they want the United States Congress to pass and the Administration to sign.

The financial investors are giving the impression that they are helping reduce green house gases; but in reality, they want the United States to create a multi-trillion Cap-and Trade commodities system to help them make trillions of dollars manipulating the carbon dioxide emissions. The financial investors in United States and Europe have started organizations to purchased options, buy carbon dioxide credits, and sell the credits to companies. They have investors who want to participate in the Carbon Dioxide Credits program. At $100 per metric ton for carbon dioxide, United States Cap-and-Trade market is valued at over $600 billion.

Under the proposed Cap-and-Trade system, the United States Congress or U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is required to established caps on the amount of carbon dioxide businesses like utility companies can legally emit. The utility company must then purchase carbon dioxide credits from the financial investors. The financial investors exercise the options to purchase the carbon dioxide credits and sell the credits to the utility companies. Utility company passes the increased costs into their electric rate base; and their customers could pay 10 to 20 cents per kilowatt-hour, which could double or triple the electric bills.

The financial investors don�t want to walk the talk. Although they have trillions of dollars to invest; they don't want to invest their funds to help companies solve the energy crisis or eliminate carbon dioxide emissions. If they did, they would have funded automakers to manufacture millions of hydrogen and electric vehicles rather than having the federal government attempt to bail out the automakers. Their reasoning is simple. The financial investors don't understand technology and can get a better rate of return by manipulating the carbon dioxide commodity's market.

At $100 per metric ton, the World Carbon Dioxide Market value would be $2.4 trillion per year; and over ten years, the $24 trillion. With annual revenues of $2.4 trillion per year, about the gross revues as oil companies, the financial investors plan to take control the World's economy. They want to subsidize uneconomical projects and make billions of dollars. They have publicly stated that they plan to put businesses out business by manipulation the carbon dioxide commodity's markets not only in the United States but in other countries around the World.

Since the Cap-and-Trade system appears to be another financial gimmick, the financial investors will hopefully provide funding to companies that can solve the World's Energy Crisis and reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

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