Mirror Power Plants
Today, energy and
transportation are multi-trillion markets. The
company plans to manufacture and sell Mirror Power sources for
generating electricity
by converting matter and
mirror matter directly into
In addition to generating electricity, off-peak power can be
used to produce oxygen for commercial applications and hydrogen for motor
vehicles that will become new sources of income for electrical power companies.
Hydrogen Economy
is evolving. The technology for producing hydrogen and oxygen from water
is thoroughly understood.
Today, making antimatter or
mirror matter is extremely expensive at
$36 trillion per milligram. Because the cost and limited quantities,
antimatter hasn't been considered for generating electricity. The cost
is $720 million per kilowatt hour. All the antimatter matter manufactured in one day could only provide electricity
for a 100 watt light bulb for seven seconds.
Any one of the hundreds of
could supply billion of metric
tons of mirror matter that could supply the World entire energy needs for
billions of years. For example 20 grams
of mirror energy (mass of four nickel) could operate a 100 megawatt electrical power plant
for one year.
The initial cost of mining mirror matter from comets will be about $10 million per milligram or cost $200 per
kilowatt hour. With advancements in technology, the cost of mirror matter will
decrease to $1
million per gram or 2 cents per kilowatt hour
without including the capital costs.
We plan to have an extensive Mirror Energy
research and
development program. The Company plans to design, manufacture,
operate, test, market and sell to electric utility companies:
100 Megawatt,
Gigawatt, 10 Gigawatt Mirror Power Sources and Mirror Power
Plants. 100 Megawatt Mirror Power Sources would replace the average coal
fired electric power plants, 1 Gigawatt Mirror Power Sources would
replace the larger fossil fuel power plants, and 10 Gigawatt. Mirror Power
Sources would be used in
Energy Parks for heavy industrial manufacturing.