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News Release 51
AIAA Abstract on �Energy Independence.�
January 3, 2008

Norm Hansen, President, submitted the following abstract on �Energy Independence� to AIAA Conference, Future Space National Priorities, Critical Decisions. The Space 2008 Conference & Exposition being held in San Diego, California. Unfortunately, the review committee didn�t recommend the basic presentation in the �Space Policy and Economics� technical session or �Special Session� with panel presentations followed by questions and answers session.

Abstract: Energy Independence
Norm Hansen, President Energy USA

The exploration of space has resulted in the discovery of an unlimited source of Mirror Power, which could supply the World�s energy needs for billions of years. Mirror Power is the most efficient energy source in the World and comes from the conversion of matter and mirror matter1 into energy.  Hundreds of billions of dollars have been spent by scientists and engineers studying and developing the technology2 for over seventy-five years.

Energy Independence can be achieved by upgrading Fossil Power plants to Mirror Power plants that are three times more efficient. With the improved efficiency, Mirror Power plants can supply electricity to existing customers, electricity and/or hydrogen for motor vehicles, and oxygen for commercial applications. Mirror Power plants could be financed from the $400 billion per year, which America spends on importing foreign oil.

In the United States3, converting two hundred kilograms of mirror matter into Mirror Power could replace burning 1 billion tons of coal, 4 billion barrels of oil, and 6 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. Carbon dioxide levels could be reduced by 50 percent or 3.8 billion tons per year. Fossil fuels would be used to make new products to bring every country into 21st century rather than burning them and destroying Earth�s environment.

Spacecraft could take off, travel into space, and land at airports. A spacecraft with five grams
of mirror matter could take 1,000 round trips to the Moon without refueling or one trip every week for twenty years. Millions of people will be
traveling to space stations orbiting Earth in minutes, Moon in hours, and Mars in days. The Gene Roddenberry�s Star Trek dream of traveling to the stars will become reality in 21st rather than 23rd century.

This quantum leap for humanity is possible if government, education and business leaders work collegiately together using the Internet Model. Within fifty years, the Space Economy4 will grow to over $18 trillion and the World Economy5 will grow to over $360 trillion. However, the real benefits will come from taking billions of people out of poverty, providing them a World-Class Education, and empowering them to live out their dreams.

1/ Mirror Matter, www.energyusa.net/mirror_matter.htm
2/ Forward, Robert & Davis, Joel,
Mirror Matter: Pioneering Antimatter Physics, New York,
    John Wiley & Sons, 1988

3/ United States, www.energyusa.net/united_states.htm
4/ Space Economy increases from $180 billion today
5/ World Gross National Product per person increases to $60,000 per person

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