News Release 13:
Realizing Mirror Energy's Future: The Earth and Beyond
July 27, 2005
We are working on book
entitled "Realizing Humanity's Future: The Earth and Beyond." that is
base upon Internet Model,
Realizing the Information Future: The
Internet and Beyond. If government, business and
academia can work together, the United States to achieve Energy Independence
within 10 to 15 years.
Defines the roles of government,
business and education in using Mirror Energy to bring every country into the
21st century without destroying our environment.
Achieving Vision of Integrated Infrastructure
(DOE, DARPA, NASA, NSF, Business & Academia)
Research, Education, & Libraries
Principles and Practices
Financial Issues
Government Roles and Opportunities
Clarifies issues on Intellectual
property rights, ethics, pricing, education, infrastructure and regulations
for Energy and Space EconomiesGovernment, Business, and
Academic collaboration will result in gaining
the Public�s Trust and Acceptance
For More Information Contact: |
Norm Hansen, President |
Energy USA, Inc
27 W 093 Geneva Road
Winfield, IL 60190
Tel: 630 587 5665
E-mail |