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World Energy Economy

as the World's Primary
Sources of Energy.

   Executive Summary World Clean Energy Plan World Modernization Program


China Clean Energy Plan 

 United States Clean Energy Plan 

India Clean Energy Plan

Carbon Tax



100 Megawatt
1 Gigawatt
10 Gigawatt
Energy Parks

Mirror Energy

Explore Moon

Explore Mars



United States Clean Transportation (draft)

United States would achieve Energy Independence by having clean, energy efficient vehicles, public transportation, and aircraft/spacecraft


Vehicles: Tesla Motors would continue manufacturing electric vehicles. The Model S electric vehicles is a five-passenger sedan with a lithium-ion battery pack, gets 300 miles between charges, and is one of the most aerodynamic and safest sedans ever built. Tesla Motors and other automakers would make millions of electric vehicles to replace exiting gas vehicles after their useful life.

Natural gas could be used for powering car, heavy trucks, and busses. Boone Pickens supports using natural gas for transportation because United States has the largest natural gas reserves in the World.

Trains are very energy efficient. They can move one ton of freight about over 400 miles on gallon of fuel which compares to truck that can move one ton of freight 100 miles on gallon


Public Transportation: Buses and trains would use clean, efficiency sources of energy. The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) uses electric rail that is highly efficient motors and operates on low fiction steel rails. Commuter railcars are equipped with an innovative braking system that can transfer electricity back to the third rail and supplementing power to nearby trains. Hybrid vehicles take advance of technologies and alternative fuel sources.


Airplanes/spacecraft would travel on milligrams of mirror fuel rather than thousands of tons of jet fuel. Using mirror energy, spacecraft would take people rotating space stations orbiting the Earth in minutes, communities on the Moon in hours and Mars in days. 


Carbon dioxide emissions would be reduce by 2 billion metric tons per year  


Economics: Transportation would use clean, efficient energy.

Tesla Motors electric vehicle is about 90% efficient and car�s battery can be recharged with $5 of electricity compared to $50 for gas powered car or difference of $200 to $250 per month depending upon gas prices.

Pubic transportation is more energy efficient than private vehicles but may need to be subsidized. Independent over site would ensure that the funds are spent on public transportation rather than diverted to funding a large bureaucracies.

Since aircraft fuel wo
uld be measured in milligrams rather than half the mass of the aircraft, fuel cost would decrease by more than 70%. Millions of people would enjoy traveling to space stations orbiting Earth plus communities on Moon and Mars. The cost for traveling to the Moon would decrease from NASA�s $1 billion/astronaut to thousand of dollars per person.

U.S. Department of Transportation's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration enforces Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, regulations for motor vehicle theft resistance, and fuel economy to keep America�s highways safe. Federal Aviation Administration would continue to approve the manufacturing and operating of aircraft and spacecraft. 


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