American Energy Independence
from Foreign Oil by 2020
To achieve
Energy Independence
from foreign oil,
automakers need to make millions of hydrogen and electric motor vehicles to
replace the existing fossil fueled vehicles that are 20% efficient and
producing carbon dioxide.

Tesla Motors, General Motors,
Ford, Chrysler, and other companies make over 200 million energy
efficient hydrogen and electric motor vehicles: 135 million passenger cars,
70 million SUV & pickups, and 2.6 million heavy vehicles. 30 million metric
tons of hydrogen is needed along with 24 thousand hydrogen service
stations. Electric vehicles can initially use off-peak power before additional
power plants are needed.
If government, business and educational leaders need to work collegiately together, hydrogen and
electric motor vehicles along with energy conservation savings in people�s
homes and businesses will save energy and reduce the demand on foreign oil:
Energy Independence from
foreign oil: Demand for oil are reduced by 50% or 10.5 million
barrels per day or 3.7 billion barrels per year: 40% from hydrogen and
electric vehicles and 10% from Energy Conservation Program.
Environmental: United States carbon dioxide levels are reduced by
1,200 million metric tons to 1990 levels by 2020: 1,000 million metric tons from
more energy efficient hydrogen and electric vehicles and 200 million metric
tons from energy conservation efforts.
Economic: Stimulate United States� economy, create millions of
American jobs, foreign trade deficit is reduced, and energy costs.
institutions provide funds to companies for building electric and
hydrogen vehicles, hydrogen service stations, hydrogen and
Mirror Power plants and not implement the
Cap-and-Trade system or
Carbon Tax that diverts trillions of dollars away from solving the problem.